December 21, 2010

Barton Family

I can't say enough how much I LOVE WHEN CLIENTS BRING PROPS to their shoot! The Barton Family brought so many different props which made their family pictures that much more unique. The picture frame was just one of many! The Bartons have been such wonderful clients and I was so excited when I got the opportunity to take their family picture!

Thank you Brad and Susan for allowing me to take your family pictures!

December 17, 2010

Baker Christmas Pictures!

Rebecca was one of the winners from "The Cutest Kid Contest" so we snapped a few of her and some family pictures as well! This shoot was a lot of fun Rebecca was such a great model and Brandon had so much energy! Such a great family!

Tracy & Randy for entering Rebecca into the contest and letting me get a few of the family!

December 6, 2010

Our 4 1/2 week old American Pinchers

I came home a little early today and snapped a few pictures of the puppies! I was happy the weather wasn't to bad and I could finally get a few of them playing in the yard.



Cute lil butts!

Millie Trying to help out

Hope you enjoy a few personal shots of mine :)

December 5, 2010

Holloway Family!

The Holloway Family shoot was a lot of fun even with the weather being very chilly that day. Colton is a typical boy all he wanted to do during the shoot was run and play.....o and eat lots of snacks :) But we managed to get a lot of cute faces from him.

Thanks, Josh and Tasha for coming all this way to get your pictures taken!

November 30, 2010

Olsen Family Pictures!

The Olsen Family have such a unique story so I was happy to see that Jessica was my top winner from "The Cutest Kid Contest"! We finally got her and her parents scheduled right before christmas! Jessica was such a wonderful baby during her shoot. I love how these portraits turned out! Jessica photographs so beautifully!

Brianna & Andrew for allowing me the opportunity to photographer your family!

November 28, 2010

Brayden & Tucker

Brayden was one of the winners from my "Cutest Kids Contest"! I would have to agree with the voters he is such a cute! He was so helpful with his little cousin Tucker too! Both kids had so much energy during our shoot and I think it comes through in the images!

Thanks, Laura and Janna for bringing the boys to me :)

November 22, 2010

Jared's Senior Pictures

Jared was my last senior for the year! I can hardly believe how fast 2010 has went! This shoot was a lot fun! We did some fun stuff wit his car and even got covered in stickers up to our knees :). I really love how the images turned out!

Thanks, Jared and Carrie for choosing me as your senior photographer!

November 15, 2010

Myers Family

I had way to many favorites from this family shoot to only post a couple so I posted a few :) The day of the session was pretty chilly out but every put on their best smiles. After warming up inside the Kaylee showed me some of her dance moves and Tucker even showed me his muscles :) What a great session!

Thanks, Angie & Luke for letting me photograph your family!

November 9, 2010

Corey's Senior Pictures!

This was one of my favorite senior shoots for so many reasons! The weather and lighting were both perfect. Corey was up for anything and I LOVE when seniors bring something personal. The guitar fit his personality!

Thanks Corey for choosing me as your Senior Photographer!